2024 Membership Rates will be as follows:
Individual membership: $65
Additional family members: $25 each.
The competition year begins December 1st.
As always your membership with NFDA will also include the following:
Discounted rates at schooling shows managed by NFDA
Reciprocity with Deep South DSDCTA, STRIDE and SWEDA so that NFDA members can earn qualifying scores towards our Championship show.
Ability to participate in any event sanctioned by NFDA (clinics, social events, banquets, etc...)
Right to vote (officer elections, etc...)
Automatic GMO membership with USDF. This means you do not need to join USDF separately to be able to participate in recognized competitions. We do it for you! If you want to be eligible for USDF year-end awards and championships a participating membership is still required. Other GMO benefits can be found here: